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The Heart of Shadows
Sunday, 22 August 2010
So....I spoke to the Enchantress. I had forgotten how much I miss her and never realized how much my journal is filled with her till I went back and read through the pages. So where do I go from here? She sleeps and I know as everyone knows..I won't stick around this mud ball of a place for long...its too...provincial. used to be. I have been away for a long time so things may have changed....the people may have changed...for the better...hopefully.

I guess the real question is...What is it I really want, what is it I want to do, to achieve? Can I fit in here, do I want to? Can I be me...the real me and servive in this place?
What Do I Want To Do?

I don't know...I really don't.

I've statred training again... I guess that means I'm staying...for now

» Seragil Shadowsong posted @ 23:14 »»» - Link - comments
Thursday, 19 August 2010
Ahhh my old journal...How I have missed thee.
Yes, I am back!
Why is that just because you have been away for awhile people assume you are dead? Hmmmm wishfull thinking perhaps?
I will write here what i told someone today
I am who I am. I am in the whisper of the wind, the cool caress of every dark shadow, I am in every dark laugh and that wicked gleam in a persons eyes. I am Seragil Shadowsong and my presence is always felt though I am rarely seen, I can never be captured nor ever tamed.
I am also concieted, arrogant and at times rudely impolite. Those who know me well also know...I am full of bos for those who don't know me well. Well they don't matter anyway.

So...what have I been up too and where have I been?
Thats really no ones business but mine...not even yours Oh Beloved Journal.
I have been away and I have been busy, thats all you need to know and now I am back...for now anyway.

I ran into Kitty whilst I was at Jeffrey's...and yes..His ale is still nothing but rat infused swill...and he still sells no food. How does he stay in business?
I degress...where was I...ahhh Kitty...she's quiter then I remember, more subdued...not that she was ever in your face as most of my other Imps were...or as I am. But still....what is it about Trinald that drains the fire out of people?

No... I will not go into my usual "Valornians are Nothing but an Endless Sucking Pit of Misery" speel...its gotten matter how true
Digressing again

Kitty ...Its was good to see her...good to make her spark and hiss again...good to know there are still a few imps around. Even if she did circle around my feet and meow and nag till I spent my beloved plat!
I also spoke to my sister...I knew she would land on her feet and find a new alike as we are...well no..actualy we aren't that sister tends to keep the peace where I tend to say Burn baby Burn and to Hades with the World, the Greater Good and the Brothership of Man. She has my temper though...and my intolarance of Fools...but she stays in Valorn ...which says she has a higher tolerance for them then I. Oh well as imperfect as she is...I still love her, we can't both be as fabulously perfect as I am.

I spoke to Blue...she hinted she wanted another story from me...I will think about it.

I spoke to the Enchantress...

» Seragil Shadowsong posted @ 05:24 »»» - Link - comments (2)